December 21, 2024

Dear Friends, 

On the fourth Sunday of Advent, the story transitions from John The Baptist to Mary. Luke’s special focus on the women includes Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, which gives us the unique story of John leaping in her womb (a detail that could only have been related by the experience of an expectant mother). Luke also allows us to overhear the conversation between Elizabeth and Mary when Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit, blesses Mary. How long could Mary hold the news of the announcement of the incarnation of the Son of God? Sometimes it is good to have those friends that can share our life’s journey and in Mary’s situation Elizabeth is that person. The wonder and the gratitude that God has done great things for Mary, reaches a cathartic moment in a beautiful song of praise known as the Magnificat. My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. But this is not just a song for Mary.  It is a song for all those who recognize how God has shown his favour and blessing on those who like Mary might not expect such divine attention. The poor, the hungry, the humble. God as raised them up, filled them and has extended his mercy and grace. Has God done great things for you? Has God raised you up when we have felt like you have been overlooked? Has God astonished you with his grace and mercy? Then perhaps you too can sing My soul magnifies the Lord” . 

Speaking of birth announcements Gwenna and I are looking forward to being grandparents for the first time. Lauren and Silas are expecting a baby this coming June. I know they are excited for this new little one and we continue pray for good health for mom and baby. 

I am also pleased to announce that we have a new office Administrator beginning in January. We welcome Andrea Franco to our community and look forward to getting to know her as she transitions into our church staff and community. 

If you are interested in becoming either an adherent or member of GPC please contact me. Members have the specific and important roll of voting at all congregational meetings including our annual AGM. Members can also be nominated to Session and/or working committees of the congregation. Adherents can be asked for an advisory vote at congregational meetings and can sit on congregational committees. Both members and adherents are assigned an elder (session member). Several people have already indicated an interest in becoming members of GPC so thank you for letting me know.

If you are going away for the Christmas holidays I hope you have a good time. From our family to yours, have a Merry Christmas.

Pastor Ian


December 28, 2024


December 13, 2024