
We Are Trinitarian:

We are a Christian Community who believes and worships the Triune God of grace and love.

“Therefore with the one universal church we believe in the one God, eternal Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three in one, one in three equal in power and glory”  Living Faith 1.5

We believe that we are participants in the continuing ministry of the Triune God of grace who has revealed and redeemed this world in love through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and in this we are called to follow the person of Jesus Christ, through the power of Holy Spirit in worship and service. 

We Are Followers of Jesus:

We believe that Jesus is the Lord of all things, that through his life, death, and resurrection, he has made the way to peace with God. Our desire is to follow Jesus, as he is revealed to us in scripture, in God’s story of his love for broken humanity.

We want to follow Jesus in the way he has shown us, extending his love and grace to others,  what Christianity has called “the good news”. We are a congregation who desires to live, to share, to be witnesses of this good news as a community of faith. In this we are responding to Jesus’ Great Commission as found in Matthew 28: 19-20.  We are not perfect, we have not arrived. Following means journeying, growing, struggling, sacrificing, even suffering. But we can rest in the knowledge that Jesus through the Holy Spirit is with us and transforming us along the way.

We are Called To Love and Serve:

We believe as followers of Jesus we are called to love our neighbour. In this way we become the disciples of Christ. We are called to embody the love of Jesus in our neighbourhoods and networks. This love takes a variety of forms: serving those in need, befriending the lonely, welcoming the immigrant, seeking justice for the oppressed, speaking the good news to those who have not heard. Through these acts of love, we seek the good of the City of Mississauga and beyond, working with ministry partners in our local community to love our neighbour, to the glory of God.  

We believe God is at work in the world. God’s heart is for all people to know him and for his world to be transformed by his love. We believe that God has called everyone to respond to his grace and forgiveness and to receive Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and Lord. We believe that Christ has sent us out, equipping and using our gifts,  wherever we are found whether it is Mississauga or Nicaragua. We serve in prayer and humility, confident in the hope that God is renewing all things in Christ.

We Are Presbyterian:   

We are the kind of church that holds to the basic doctrines of Presbyterian Church in Canada as found in Living Faith.

(Click here to download the PDF)

We are the kind of church that affirms the creeds of the Christian faith.

We are the kind of church that is proudly multi-generational and multi-ethnic.

We are the kind of Church that loves God!