December 28, 2024

Dear Friends,

I hope you are having an enjoyable Christmas Season and looking forward to the New Year. Our family has had to adapt for our gatherings and meals due to several members coming down with a seasonal cold that seems to be affecting more than a few folk. Nevertheless, it has been good to spend some time together. Thank you to everyone who came to our the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day service. They were well attended and I hope they were a blessing to those who also watched on-line.

This Sunday I will be leading the worship service and the message is entitled “Where Do We Find Jesus ?” based on the story of Luke 2:41-56. I will be taking next week off as a holiday and will be back on January 7th. My thanks to Samantha who will be leading the service on January 5th.

I am also pleased to announce that we have a new office Administrator beginning in January. We welcome Andrea Franco to our community and look forward to getting to know her as she transitions into our church staff and community.

If you are interested in becoming either an adherent or member of GPC please contact me. Members have the specific and important role of voting at all congregational meetings including our annual AGM. Members can also be nominated to Session and/or working committees of the congregation. Adherents can be asked for an advisory vote at congregational meetings and can sit on congregational committees. Both members and adherents are assigned an elder (session member). Several people have already indicated an interest in becoming members of GPC so thank you for letting me know.

I hope you are having an enjoyable Christmas season and as we turn the calendar to 2025 I extend to you a blessed new year! May you know God’s providence and peace in the coming year.

Blessed New Year,

Pastor Ian


January 10, 2025


December 21, 2024