December 13, 2024
Dear Friends,
The Third Sunday of Advent continues the focus on John the Baptist as the messenger announcing the coming of Christ. As we discovered last week John the Baptist is the bridge between the Old Testament and the New. He is the prophetic messenger and the one who announces the promised coming of the Messiah and so we need to prepare. This week we continue to hear the proclamation of John as he continues to point to the one who will baptize “with Spirit and with fire”. I know! I know! This does not sound very “Christmasy” and yet it has everything to do with why God came to us in Jesus as a child in Bethlehem. God came to bring salvation to the world. Through Jesus we are forgiven of our sin. As the carol says “Joy to the world the Lord has come!” But God does not leave us to figure it out after this world changing event. God also sends his Spirit to transform us such that we will act with God’s justice towards others. As John the Baptist proclaimed then and now, do our lives reflect the one who has saved us and who is coming into the world? Do our lives bear good fruit through the grace we have received? Two cloaks? Give one away. Too much food? Same things applies. There is a happiness that comes when we receive a Christmas gift. Even more there is a joy we experience when we give what we have sacrificially to someone who does not have. Perhaps this is what Christmas is about? Perhaps this is what John the Baptist meant when he pointed to the one who was coming and who would baptized with the Spirit and fire? Bearing good fruit when the chaff is separated from the wheat. Who are we as we wait for the coming of Jesus? Please join me as we take a look at John 3:7-18 in a sermon called “Advent: A Time of Justice and Joy”
My thanks also to the congregation and to friends of GPC concerning your stewardship for our congregation. One of the blessings of serving GPC is the generosity that you have shown not only to our GPC family but also to those with who we partner with in mission. Over the next several weeks you will receive a pledge letter asking you to consider making a pledge to GPC for 2025. This will help the Session and the Board draft a proposed budget for 2025 to be presented at the AGM on February 9th. Thank you once again for your generous stewardship.
If you are interested in becoming either an adherent or member of GPC please contact me. Members have the specific and important roll of voting at all congregational meetings including our annual AGM. Members can also be nominated to Session and/or working committees of the congregation. Adherents can be asked for an advisory vote at congregational meetings and can sit on congregational committees. Both members and adherents are assigned an elder (session member). Several people have already indicated an interest in becoming members of GPC so thank you for letting me know.
Have a good weekend
Pastor Ian