February 28, 2025

Hello Glenbrook,                                          

I hope you are all doing well. The months are flying by! It’s already March, and even though there was a snowfall yesterday I am already anxiously awaiting those beautiful spring days, seeing the little flowers starting to bloom and the green buds appearing on the trees.  Glorious! 

This Sunday is the AGM meeting, so I have left a link below for you to join us online. The meeting starts at noon and should last approx. 1 hour and a half.  See you there.




Be Good To Yourself

Genesis 2:2b – On the seventh day God rested from all the work that he had done.

A couple of years ago, I was at a conference. One of the people there was a long-established and well-respected medical doctor who had a busy, downtown practice, full of corporate executives. One of the lines I heard during a break was "No one, on their deathbed, wishes they had spent more time at the office." I say: right!

People complain about the pressures in their lives. They are frantic to cram more and more in, running seven days every week. People have a nagging feeling that "this is not the way it's supposed to be". You're right, it is not. Go right back to the beginning — the creation story — and see how far out of sync with our humanity we have come.

In the first chapter of Genesis is the account of the creation of the world. There had never been a week in the cosmos like that first week of creation. And what did God do, after it was all done and everything was perfect? He took a day off and rested up. It looks like God's got more sense than many of us!

The idea of a day of rest continues down through Jewish history. The Jews of Jesus' time took the Sabbath so seriously, that when Jesus healed on that day, it was one of the first points of conflict between the Jewish authorities and the Lord. Jesus responded, "The Sabbath was made for the good of human beings; they were not made for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath." (Mark 2:27-28 GNT)

People are not machines. There is a biological cycle of work and rest that is built into our very cells. Our body systems are designed to work each day and rest at night. Our body systems replenish and rebuild the body during sleep. We are literally re-created each night.

A modern word-picture is "burning the candle at both ends". Take a minute and consider what that does to the poor candle. Poor candle; poor you, if you do that. Just down the hall from the office that my doctor friend used to have is a door marked "Cardiac Stress Clinic." That door is busy, with people rushing in and out, to find out what shape their hearts are in.

My suggestion for you: take a time-management lesson from the One Who created time, and holds it — and eternity — in open hands. Be good to yourself and those you love. Take some time off. They say you should "stop and smell the roses." Please do, while you are still here to do so. Oh, one more thing: can you please pass this page along to those schedule-driven friends of yours? I don't think they are going to find the time to download it themselves. Thanks!

Prayer: Lord, may we all remember that our lives and our time are in Your hands. You have numbered the days of each one of us. Help us to use the time You have given us wisely. Help us also to remember that rest and recreation are better for us than much of what we think is important. For all this, we give thanks. Amen.

-Bruce M. Dinsmore 

Annual General Meeting
Please note the Annual General Meeting is this Sunday, an e-mail has been sent out and there are hard copies available if you need one.  There will be a Zoom link sent out today as well.

Winter 2025 Bible Study
Just a reminder that Bible studies continue on Tuesdays.  Again, let us know and we will make sure you have the study material. Looking forward to seeing you!

Pancake Supper

Come ready to indulge on the Last Day Before the 40 Days of Lent.

This Sunday is the Final day to get tickets for The Pancake Supper this coming Tuesday March 4th.

See Geraldine after the Sunday Service for CASH ticket purchases.

Adults $8, Youth 6 - 12 $5 and Under 5 FREE

To all who cooked, donated and served for this past Wednesdays Open Door Lunch - Thank You the food was a HUGE HIT!!!

The excitement for the meal was evident through the compliments and smiles. English Muffin pizzas will stay on the menu I think. :) 

World Day of Prayer

Glenbrook will be holding World Day of Prayer on Friday March 7th.  The service will begin at 2pm with refreshments to follow.  The WDP is an international and Interdenominational Day of Prayer and intercession. This year the liturgy and prayers come from the women of the Cook Islands as they pray for world healing and peace.  For more information, please contact Karen Barnaby our WDP team leader. 

All the little flower kits were scooped up at the front table so thank you helping out! 

Update to CRA Donations

On January 23rd, the Canada Revenue Agency confirmed that it will proceed with administering the 2024 deadline extension for charitable donations. This means that donors will have the option to deduct certain charitable donations made up to February 28, 2025, on their 2024 income tax return.


We can now proceed with our plan to provide GPC congregants with the January and February 2025 giving statements in the first week of March 2025, so they can deduct these donations on their 2024 income tax return.

From Eden Food for Change a BIG THANK YOU!

“Dear Glenbrook Presbyterian Church,

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for showing up, walking, donating, and volunteering to make Coldest Night of the Year special. Because of you, our community came together in an incredible way.”

✨ 164 walkers stepped up to raise awareness.

✨ 58 volunteers gave their time and energy to make it all happen.

✨ $42,000 raised (so far!) to support local families facing food insecurity.

We’re so proud of what we’ve accomplished together, but we’re still 40% away from our goal—and families in our community continue to need our support.

Every donation helps people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. If you haven’t had a chance to give yet—or want to help us reach 100%—there’s still time!

Donations are open until March 31st, 2025.  Your friends at Eden Food for Change”

Donate Now

March Schedule of Volunteers
Please let me know if there are any dates which I need to change or move for you 😊 If you would like to join the volunteer team even once every few months, let me know!

Service for March 2, 2025
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us. 

Enjoy the service!


Scripture Reading:

1 Samuel 25: 2-14; 18-19; 23-25; 32-35

Luke 12: 13-21 

Message:   “The Fool, The Wise and The Beloved ”  Pastor Ian McWhinnie

Have a great week,




March 7, 2025


February 21, 2025