March 7, 2025

Hello Glenbrook,                                      

I hope the first days of March have found you well.  This past Sunday at the AGM meeting we celebrated George Ryder’s retirement from Clerk of Session. Here are some great photos of the event.  Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us, it was a great time.

If there is anyone with questions regarding the AGM report please feel free to email the office. Have a great week and don’t forget this Sunday March 9th is daylight savings. SPRING FORWARD! Thank you to Chris Starkey who sent me this great image of “The Time Change Song”

Take care,




Job 2:9-10 – [Job's] wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!" He replied, "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.

In a Peanuts cartoon, Lucy wrote an essay the first day back at school. She wrote, "Vacations are nice, but it's good to get back to school. There is nothing more satisfying or challenging than education, and I look forward to a year of expanding knowledge." The teacher was suitably impressed with Lucy's thoughts and complimented her on her fine essay. In the final frame Lucy leaned over to Charlie Brown and whispered, "After a while, you learn what sells."

The temptation to do what sells, to give in to what suits, is always with us. It is a constant challenge to our personal integrity.

Job's wife had an opinion about integrity at the beginning of his suffering. But Job could not curse God. If Job cursed God, it would go against everything he believed about God and himself.

Sometimes, life can feel like we are in the middle of a contest between God and Satan.

  • We wonder how much more we can take.

  • We wonder where we will find the strength.

  • We wonder where God is and why He is allowing such pain.

Integrity does not mean accepting life's difficulties with a rosy outlook or a Pollyanna attitude. It allows for the depression and the questioning and the anger which sometimes go hand in hand with suffering. But it also allows for holding on to God.

Prayer: Lord, in the very midst of our struggles, we cling to You, and in doing so, we cling to our integrity — that wholeness which is so often threatened by the pressures of life. Thank You for Your Spirit, Who gives us the strength to hold on. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Dennis Cook

Aylmer, Ontario, Canada

Winter 2025 Bible Study

Winter Bible Study will continue until the April 1st.  There will be no study sessions on April 8th ,15th , 22nd  and 29th.   Then we will resume on May 6th.

Men’s Lunch

The Men’s meet up will take place at Mulligans Pub and Grill on Wednesday, March 19th at noon. There will be an attendance sheet at the front lobby for those interested in joining.

Address: 2458 Dundas St W, Mississauga, ON (Woodchester Plaza)

Blessings to all as we have officially entered the Lenten Season.

The Pancake Supper was a wonderful time of warm conversation and community as familiar and new faces were seen full of smiles and enjoyment. Thanks to all who helped make the event so rewarding. Fluffy pancakes, plump little sausages, sweet syrup and fruit made for the best meal for the 50+ who attended.

Raw Carrot

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Raw Carrot Visit and a Soup and Sandwich Lunch on March 23rd. It will be a pleasure to get an update on the work and expanding reach of The Raw Carrot from Rebecca Sherbino - Co-Founder and Executive Director, along with her friend and experienced Kitchen Staff Member Amanda. Sign up for this lunch this Sunday and the next. (we will need to know #'s to order soup).

World Day of Prayer

Today is World Day of Prayer and on behalf of Glenbrook we would like to send a huge thank you Karen Barnaby and her team for all the hard work and time they put in resulting in this successful worship service and event.  

 Tax Receipts

Don't Forget!  January and February 2025 Tax Receipts Available.
Your tax receipts are ready! Receipts have been emailed to those with registered email addresses. If we do not have your email on file, please pick up your receipt at church on Sunday.  Alternatively, contact the church office to arrange an alternate pickup or delivery.

Congregants have the option to deduct their January and February 2025 Tax Receipt, on their 2024 income tax return.

March Schedule of Volunteers
Please let me know if there are any dates which I need to change or move for you 😊 If you would like to join the volunteer team even once every few months, let me know!

Service for March 9, 2025
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us. 

Enjoy the service!

Scripture Reading:

                          2 Samuel 11:1-15; 12:1-7a

                          John 19:1-5 

Message: “Fallen and Forgiven” Pastor Ian McWhinnie


February 28, 2025