February 21, 2025
Hello Glenbrook,
March is approaching so quickly, soon the smell of spring will be in the air! Have you all managed to navigate all the snowfall we’ve had?! Incredible. We have a lot of events coming up so hopefully the weather will co-operate with us. Again, keep warm out there and watch your step on the ice and sleet!
What's For Supper?
Revelation 3:20 – Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I'll come right in and sit down to supper with you.
I have just heard once again those words that I have heard nearly every day for forty-two years: "What's for supper?" Sound familiar? When we were first married, Larry went out and bought two weeks' worth of frozen meals right off the bat. Thinking that was a bit strange, I cooked them and did pretty well, until I left the paper on the pizza, which made it very hard for my unsuspecting new husband to chew. It's strange that in all the time we knew each other before we were married, he had never asked me how I cooked. Had he asked, I could have told him that I didn't! After that first few weeks, I slowly learned to cook things other than frozen meals. Larry likes to tell a story (greatly exaggerated, I might add) about some biscuits I made from scratch that were so hard we threw them out to the birds. The story goes, according to Larry, they couldn't fly after eating the rock-hard biscuits. In fact, as he elaborates on the story, if they tried to fly, they would immediately drop from the sky. As the months went by, I was starting to be a decent cook, but there were those days when Larry asked, "What's for supper?" it was because he couldn't tell by looking at it.
Slowly but surely, my cooking improved, and "What's for supper?" took on a whole new attitude. It would, most of the time, come with a "Mmm — something smells good!" — words I loved to hear. Eventually, supper came every evening like clockwork, and for the most part was edible, but they still always asked, "What's for supper?"
As I go to my Bible to study God's Word, many times, I go hungry — heart hungry! I often ask my Lord, "What's for supper? What do you have for me to feed my hungry soul?" At those times, I need to sit with Him and sup with Him as Scripture tells us. In reading in the Psalms today, I came across a passage that I loved.
Psalm 132:13-15 – Yes — I, God, chose Zion, the place I wanted for my shrine; This will always be my home; this is what I want, and I'm here for good. I'll shower blessings on the pilgrims who come here, and give supper to those who arrive hungry. (MSG)
Doesn't that thrill your heart? It does mine! Think of it! God says, "I'll shower blessings on you if you come to Me, and if you come hungry, I will (get this) give you supper!" Oh, fellow pilgrims, do you feel loved? I do, too!
Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to come to Your Word with hungry hearts, just waiting to be fed. Amen.
-Jeanie Nihiser Geneseo,
Annual General Meeting
The AGM reports are complete, there will be hard copies available this Sunday in the lobby and electronic copies will be going out. Please let me know if you need a hard copy sent to you and cannot come to pick it up.
Winter 2025 Bible Study
Bible studies continue Tuesdays. Let us know if you are interested in attending and we will make sure you have the study material! Looking forward to seeing you.
New Members
If you have been coming to Glenbrook for a bit and are considering joining as a member, please let myself or Pastor Ian know. We will be running a Membership Seminar in several weeks and would love to have you join.
Black History Month
February is Black History Month, we will be having a service on February 23rd to recognize and thank God for the contributions of people from the Black community in faith and service. Our special guest will be Rev. Julia Moses who is the pastor of British Methodist Episcopal Church and members of her congregation.
Caribbean Luncheon
In honour of Black History Month on February 23rd you are invited after the service to be a part of the Caribbean Luncheon hosted by St. Thomas. Please sign up in the lobby so we know how many are interested in attending. See you Sunday!
Open Door Lunch
When - Wednesday February 26th
We are looking for volunteers to serve, there is a sign-up sheet at the front table where you can fill in what you would like to bring. Specifically garden salads, squares or cookies for 60 people. The items need to be at the church by 11:00 am on Wednesday morning.
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday March 4th is fast approaching and once again, Glenbrook will be hosting a Pancake Supper on March 4th between 5:30 - 7:00 pm. You will be able to purchase your tickets from Geraldine McCauley at church CASH payment preferred.
Adult tickets are $8, children (6-12) are $5.00 and children under 5 years old are free.
(You can also email Geraldine at rushtonbreeze@gmail.com if you are unable to be at church to purchase your ticket.)
Geraldine will be selling tickets prior to the service this coming Sunday.
We are also looking for volunteers to help set up/cook/serve & clean up. A sign-up sheet listing chores will be available this Sunday.
World Day Of Prayer
Glenbrook will be holding World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 7th. In the front lobby you’ll see a beautiful display set up by Karen for this event. The service will begin at 2pm with refreshments to follow. The WDP is an international and Interdenominational Day of Prayer and intercession. This year the liturgy and prayers come from the women of the Cook Islands as they pray for world healing and peace. For more information, please contact Karen Barnaby our WDP team leader.
Raw Carrot Pick Up
The pre-ordered packages will be available for pick up after the service on Sunday February 23rd. If you have not paid already, you can do so through etransfer to Glenbrookpcevents@gmail.com OR bring cash at pick up time.
Canadian Food Grains Bank and Presbyterian World Service & Development
As you know Ellys MacKenzie is our representative for PWS&D. The attached information is informative and inspiring, Ellys would like to bring it to the Congregation’s attention as this work is invaluable. Presbyterian World Service & Development is the development, relief and refugee sponsorship agency of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. PWS&D’s programs help communities around the world overcome poverty. Find out more at www.werespond.ca
Glenbrook is a proud supporter of this incredible organization, so please check the link below and enjoy the webinar.
Click here to access the recording of the event.
As we mentioned during the webinar, there are several ways you can continue to advocate for Canada to meet its climate responsibilities and support vulnerable communities worldwide amidst a changing political landscape here at home. Some opportunities we discussed in the webinar include:
Equip yourself with our Election 2025 Resource, to talk with candidates about international aid, and show your concern for our neighbours, both at home and abroad.
Add your voice to Give it up for the Earth, a national faith-in-action campaign that raises awareness about the climate crisis and mobilizes people across Canada.
Encourage your church or community to dialogue together about climate change by downloading the discussion guides developed by For the Love of Creation, entitled Faithful Climate Conversations, to facilitate meaningful small group conversations.
Update to CRA Donations
On January 23rd, the Canada Revenue Agency confirmed that it will proceed with administering the 2024 deadline extension for charitable donations. This means that donors will have the option to deduct certain charitable donations made up to February 28, 2025, on their 2024 income tax return.
We can now proceed with our plan to provide GPC congregants with the January and February 2025 giving statements in the first week of March 2025, so they can deduct these donations on their 2024 income tax return.
February/ March Schedule of Volunteers
Please let me know if there are any dates which I need to change or move for you 😊 If you would like to join the volunteer team even once every few months, let me know!
Service for February 23, 2025
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us.
Enjoy the service!
Scripture Reading:
Micah 6: 6-8.
Luke 6:27-38
Message: “Do Justice, Love Kindness and Walk Humbly With Your God” Pastor Ian McWhinnie
Have a great week,