May 19, 2024

Dear Friends,


This Sunday is Pentecost, in which we celebrate the promised Holy Spirit given by our Lord, given initially to his disciples and then expanding to more and more believers as they responded to the good news of the resurrected Christ.

In our gospel reading from John 15:26-27 and 16:4-15 Jesus is preparing his disciples for his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension in his farewell address.

Jesus is realistic in his description that future for the disciples would be one of persecution. This was also the reality of the congregations to whom John was writing.

Yet the promise is that they (and followers from that time forward) would not be alone. He would send them the Holy Spirit , also know as the Counsellor, the Spirit of Truth, the Advocate, the Paraclete (Greek for the “one who comes along side”).

The Holy Spirit has always been active as the third person of the Trinity and yet on Pentecost the Holy Spirit is given by Jesus to his followers, to continue his spiritual presence in the life of the believer and the church.

The Holy Spirit is the one who continues the redeeming work of Christ and allows us to participate in that work. In our scripture reading, John highlights several tasks of the Holy Spirit to:

  • convict the world of sin and call it to repentance

  • reveal the righteousness and truth of God

  • bring judgement upon Satan

  • come along side believers and to lead them into all truth about who they are and the great benefits of their relationship with Christ who is always spiritually present with us

  • fill us with God’s power and courage to be witnesses of God’s love for the world.

The good news is that the Spirit is not a guide and helper for those on a straight way perfectly able to manage on their own. The is given to assist us who are caught up in the thick of life, tried, weary and beyond our own strength. It is why we can pray in confidence, Come Holy Spirit Come. 


Our congratulations to Dr. Brian Irwin on his book launch next Saturday at Knox College. As we know Brian’s book is being well received and we pray that it will encourage Christian discipleship across the church and many academic settings. See details in this What’s New. 

Also our congratulations to Samantha on her graduation from the Master of Pastoral Studies Program with a special certificate in Psychotherapy at Knox (TST/U of T). Her graduation ceremony will take place also on Saturday May 25th. 

Now that some warmer weather has arrived our family has some mini golf and a BBQ planned which I am looking forward to enjoying. 

Please take note of the activities listed on this site and I hope that you have a lovely long weekend.



Pastor Ian


May 24, 2024