July 6, 2024
Hello Glenbrook!
What a lovely week it has been so far. I certainly hope that you have done something fun during the short week! I'd love to hear any activities you participated in over the long weekend – did you go to a cottage? See fireworks? Visit family? Go to a food truck festival? Let me hear it! Mike and I went to Bayfront Park in Hamilton on Monday. There were a ton of food trucks and activity tents. The only thing is it was so busy, the line ups for every single thing was 50+ people! So we only tried one food truck, and then spread our blanket out on a patch of grass and people-watched until the fireworks began. There was also a dog magic show (which is a hilarious concept) that sadly only allowed children on stage to participate...so I did NOT get to pet a dog or have a dog perform a magic trick for me. At least I got to watch LOL! We also made sure to park about 3km away from the park, and my goodness that was a great decision. I mean sure, we had to walk for half an hour afterwards. But it was far more pleasant than waiting in the zoo of a parking lot trying to get out after the fireworks show ended.
This week is also incredibly busy for both Pastor Ian and me. Friday, Pastor Ian officiated a wedding for Meri and Sebastian! Such a fantastic celebration we are glad to have at Glenbrook. While Pastor Ian was officiating, I was away at a different wedding for a dear friend of mine at the Cambridge Mill (which is why you are seeing this Saturday 😝)
But the weekend does not end there. On Sunday, I will be taking over the service for Pastor Ian. I am going to be speaking on what it means to be a companion and a friend as Christians. After the Sanctuary Course ended, a lot of people mentioned that they were surprised to learn that simply being present with folks going through difficult times is enough. I'd like to talk about that stigma, how it can be difficult for us to know what to do or say when someone is going through something, and why it is important for us as a church to welcome open discussion so people going through struggles feel safe enough to actually share their burdens with us. We cannot turn our faces away from the struggles of our brothers and sisters and still think we are a healthy church. We may have our political ideas and opinions, but Christ smashes those expectations and worldviews and expects us to be RADICAL in our love and service to one another.
Christianity Explored is a course that we would like to offer on Wednesday evenings @ 7 pm over July and August. It is a course that explores the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. Who is Jesus? What are the basic doctrines of Christianity? What is a Christian? and much more. If you are interested please contact the office and I will be glad to welcome you to "Christianity Explored."
July BBQ Chicken Dinner
It is Chicken BBQ Time !
Wednesday July 24th, 5pm - 6:30pm
You have this Sunday and Next Sunday to sign up.
I need to get numbers to Jim's BBQ by the 19th of July. Sign up sheet is in the church lobby.
You can also let us know by calling in to the office 905-820-9860 or emailing Cynthia at themtroom@yahoo.com
Cost $17.50 per plate (let me know if it is for a child, for discount)
You will get 1/2 chicken, assorted salads, bun, drinks and ice cream.
I can already smell the BBQ. Yum Yum!
This is a fundraiser going to the General Missions Fund Orders must be in by July 19th.
July's Lunch of the Month
June's lunch was a wonderful success together! Men of the congregation got together and had a fantastic time of fellowship. July's Lunch of the Month will be held at The Symposium restaurant located at Dundas & Winston Churchill and will be hosted by Dave Winn. Please let us know if you can attend, so we can make a reservation! If you need a ride there, we would be happy to help.
Summer Schedule of Volunteers
As we are coming up to the summer months, please let me know if you need your role to be switched!
Please also let me know if you are interested in volunteering for any of the positions listed on the table in the foyer, or something else such as A/V, Nursery, Counting, or Worship Band!
Service for Sunday, July 7th, 2024
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us
Enjoy the service!
Scripture Reading: Galatians 6:1-10 and Romans 12:9-18
Message: "Bear One Another"
Guest Speaker Samantha Black