June 29, 2024

Hello and Happy Canada Day long weekend, Glenbrook!

I hope that you have some time to relax and enjoy the festivities that Mississauga has to offer. I don't know about you, but I have seriously preferred the cooler weather this last week. I have enjoyed walks outside, slept deeper, and felt less...er...irritable ha ha.

I cannot believe we are heading into July! For this month, I am hoping to talk to folks at Glenbrook about what they hope to see in terms of ministry in the fall. For example, with the Vine; do you, as a member, want to see a more structured bible study type format? Or a loose, open discussion? Are there certain ministries, groups, or ideas that you are interested in seeing come to life? For example this time last year, Cindy came to us with the idea of implementing ESL. One year later, it is one of the biggest ministries we see on a weekly basis at the church! So please be prepared for me to come talk to you about what you might like to see implemented at Glenbrook :) 

This weekend however I am hoping to get some nice R&R in after the service. I am hoping to go to Hamilton with Mike either Sunday after the service or Monday and enjoy some food trucks, games, live music, and maybe fireworks at Gage Park or Bayfront (depending on which day we go). That said, there are also a lot of cool events happening in Mississauga that we might check out (I've attached a link in the next section of the What's New).

Happy Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day to everyone! He shall have dominion also from sea to sea (Psalm 72:8). Our dear Anglican friends have this beautiful prayer for this day: Almighty God, you have given us this good land as our heritage. May we prove ourselves a people mindful of your generosity and glad to do your will. Bless our land with honest industry, truthful education, and an honourable way of life. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance; and from every evil course of action. Make us who came from many nations with many different languages a united people. Defend our liberties and give those whom we have entrusted with the authority of government the spirit of wisdom, that there may be justice and peace in our land. When times are prosperous, let our hearts be thankful; and, in troubled times, do not let our trust in you fail. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Here is a link that will take you to all of the celebrations happening in Mississauga. Please take a look and consider going out to celebrate this weekend:


Outdoor Service - THIS WEEKEND
Please note that this weekend we will be celebrating Canada Day by worshipping outside! Please dress accordingly, and we will make sure to have some shade available too. If you do not want to be outside, not to worry! We will make sure to have the service being projected in the air-conditioned sanctuary (though about 20 seconds behind ha ha). 

Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is a course that we would like to offer on Wednesday evenings @ 7 pm over July and August. It is a course that explores the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. Who is Jesus? What are the basic doctrines of Christianity? What is a Christian? and much more. If you are interested please contact the office and I will be glad to welcome you to “Christianity Explored.” 

July BBQ Chicken Dinner
Your Invitation to the Repeat of the Popular Chicken BBQ
Call your friends and family to join us on the lawn of the church on Wednesday July 24th at 5:00pm.
BBQ ½ chicken, buffet line of assorted, donated salads, a roll, drinks and ice cream for dessert.
!!! YUM YUM !!!

You can let us know how many will attend by signing up on Sundays at church, calling in to the office 905-820-9860 or emailing Cynthia at themtroom@yahoo.com

Orders must be in by July 19th

Each meal is $17.50

PAYMENT can be via etransfer to themtroom@yahoo.com OR Drop CASH at the church.

If it is a cheque please make out to Cynthia Starkey who will pay Jim of JIM’S BBQ from Arthur Ontario on the BBQ day.

THIS IS A FUNDRAISER to go towards Glenbrooks' General Missions Fund. Please make orders before July 14th so correct number of meals can be planned. 

God Bless and looking forward to seeing your orders. :)

July's Lunch of the Month
June's lunch was a wonderful success together! Men of the congregation got together and had a fantastic time of fellowship. July's Lunch of the Month will be held at The Symposium restaurant located at Dundas & Winston Churchill and will be hosted by Dave Winn. Please let us know if you can attend, so we can make a reservation! If you need a ride there, we would be happy to help.

Presbyterian History Newsletter
Mr. Ian McKechnie (Editor of Presbyterian History) is compiling a 150th Anniversary Book for The Presbyterian Church in Canada. This will include a collection comprising the first-hand stories of where we have been, where we stand, and where we are going as The Presbyterian Church in Canada. It will not be a comprehensive history of the PCC, but a compilation of stories told by Presbyterians from coast to coast, and inclusive of all ages, cultural backgrounds, orientations, and experiences. Thank you for taking part in this special book!

Please send your stories!!  Stories will be for our PCC 150 Book on Compiled Memories and Reflections.

In recognition of the PCC's 150th Anniversary in 2025, the Committee on History is preparing a published collection of stories about where we have been, where we are, and where we are going.

Do you have a favourite memory of singing in a choir, attending a youth group, going to a potluck supper, or attending the General Assembly—or anything else that shaped your involvement in church? What are some of the things your congregation is doing today to share the good news of Jesus in your community? And what are your hopes and dreams for the PCC and our denomination as it approaches 150 years?

Please write to Ian McKechnie, Project Coordinator: pcc150book@gmail.com 

Submissions are being accepted until November 30, 2024.

Sofa Set - Home Needed
Please note there is a 3 seat sofa that is in need of a new home! If there is anyone who is in need of a set like this, please let myself or Ann H know. You will need to transport it!

Summer Schedule of Volunteers
As we are coming up to the summer months, please let me know if you need your role to be switched!

Please also let me know if you are interested in volunteering for any of the positions listed on the table in the foyer of the church, or something else such as A/V, Nursery, Counting, or Worship Band!

Canada Day Outdoor Service for Sunday, June 30th, 2024
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us.

https://www.youtube.com/c/ GlenbrookPresbyterian/live

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:1-12 and Matthew 12:1-8 
Message: "Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst For Righteousness"
Pastor Ian McWhinnie

Stay Safe, Stay Connected

Samantha Black
Administrative Assistant
3535 South Common Court
Office Hours: Tues - Fri 9-12



July 6, 2024


June 22, 2024