Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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June 22, 2024

Hello and happy weekend, Glenbrook!

Who else is going to be on the edge of their seat this Monday for the game 7 in the Stanley Cup Finals?! This is the first time in almost 80 years where a team has done a reverse sweep in the finals...and I am SO here for it! Let me know where you will be watching, and we can cheer together! I am a Montreal fan through and through, but Oilers are my second team and if they brought the cup back to Canada...whew. 

It's been quite a wild week in terms of weather. One minute it's been so hot and humid I can barely handle being outside for more than 2 minutes. The next, we have massive thunder and lightning storms just rocking the sky. The one nice thing about all of the storms and hot sun, is my garden has been doing fairly well without me having to remind Mike to water!! The squirrels have feasted on my bean sprouts and they have perished. But the other plants are too big for them to bully, so I feel like I am currently winning this war

Banana peppers coming in hot!

Banana peppers coming in hot! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the habanero peppers though...

A good variety of veggies!

Tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, squash, peppers, carrots, beets.

Outdoor Service - MOVED to NEXT WEEK
Please note that we are MOVING the outdoor service to NEXT week. All week we have been keeping my eye on the weather network, and as it looks like a rainy Sunday morning with a risk for rain and thunderstorms at over 50%. Therefore we will postpone the outdoor service until next Sunday (July 30th) howeverwe will still have the BBQ after the church service this Sunday (June 23rd). 

EMCC Joint BBQ – THIS Sunday
While we are postponing the morning outdoor service, we will still be having the joint BBQ lunch with our neighbours at St. Thomas this Sunday July 23rd after the service. We have lots of burgers, hot dogs, veggies, chips, and pop to fill us up! If the weather clears up, we will have the option of eating either inside or outside with mingling highly encouraged :) If it is rainy, then we will have space set up in the Anglican Hall to eat and join in fellowship.

VOLUNTEERS: Those who have signed up to help set up in any way, we’d love if you could arrive between 8:30 and 9:00am. We hope to have the tables, chairs, sides, veggies, and everything else set up so that we can have everything ready before the services begin. That way we can enjoy the service AND also have the BBQ ready to go as soon as the service is over. 

July BBQ Chicken Dinner
Your Invitation to the Repeat of the Popular Chicken BBQ
Call your friends and family to join us on the lawn of the church on Wednesday July 24th at 5:00pm.
BBQ ½ chicken, buffet line of assorted, donated salads, a roll, drinks and ice cream for dessert.
!!! YUM YUM !!!

You can let us know how many will attend by signing up on Sundays at church, calling in to the office 905-820-9860 or emailing Cynthia at

Orders must be in by July 19th

Each meal is $17.50

PAYMENT can be via etransfer to OR Drop CASH at the church.

If it is a cheque please make out to Cynthia Starkey who will pay Jim of JIM’S BBQ from Arthur Ontario on the BBQ day.

THIS IS A FUNDRAISER to go towards Glenbrook’s General Missions Fund. Please make orders before July 14th so correct number of meals can be planned. 

God Bless and looking forward to seeing your orders. :)

Jungle Camp Open House
You’re invited — Jungle Camp Open House at Ethnos Canada, Saturday, July 6th, 9am–5pm at 313363 HWY 6 S, Durham, ON

Many families wanting to bring the gospel to unreached people groups don’t know where to start. God is using Ethnos’ 80+ years of specialized experience to prepare missionaries to thrive as cross-cultural church planters. Come visit the missionary candidates in this year’s “Jungle Camp” practicum.

Plan to enjoy the BBQ lunch fundraiser — the profits will go to help with field trips for the K-12 school on the Ethnos Campus for staff and student kids.

Please check out for more information, and if you plan on coming, please remember to RSVP so that if they have to change the plan, they can let you know.

Breath Prayer

While we did reach the end of the Sanctuary Course, I do want to continue sharing with you some resources from Sanctuary that I find pretty helpful in my own life. One thing I love is breath prayers; joining in prayer with the natural flow of your breathing. It really helps ground you when you start feeling anxious, upset, or stressed out. Give it a try!

Tuesday Vine Online
Please note that we have ONE more Vine Online meeting left before we break for summer! That said, even if you have not joined before, please consider joining even a one-off for a great opportunity to discuss the sermon and scripture readings in more depth, and reflect on how we can apply those learnings into our everyday life beyond Sunday morning. 

It will be the same link every week.

Topic: The Vine Online
Time: June 25, 2024 7:00pm America/Toronto 82466169195?pwd= QnqVynH2phwDVxXlvkSr8XNL5Od8LZ .1 
Meeting ID: 824 6616 9195
Passcode: 486297 

Spring Schedule of Events
We are looking into the next few months with hope that sunshine and warmth will be coming close! Please take a look at the dates in the church foyer on the table as we begin to plan the coming season. 

Summer Schedule of Volunteers
As we are coming up to the summer months, please let me know if you need your role to be switched! Once again, this list can be found in the foyer.

Please also let me know if you are interested in volunteering for any of the positions below, or something else such as A/V, Nursery, Counting, or Worship Band!

Service for Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:1-12 and Matthew 6:31-33
Message: "Blessed Are The Gentle"
Pastor Ian McWhinnie