Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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June 16, 2024

Hello and Happy Weekend, Glenbrook!

I hope that this week has been good to you. For me, I have had one of the busiest weeks so far! I wish I could update you more on fun things, but I have been running around everyday from 7am until like 9pm, so I have not had time to breathe! So if I have not gotten back to you yet, I promise I will this week. And I hope to give you more updates on my garden which I am holding above the brink of death LOL. 

I wanted to wish a very special Father's Day to all of the dads, grandfathers, uncles, step-fathers, father-figures, and those who have left us too early. Father's Day can be a difficult time for some, and we acknowledge that there are complex relationships in this world. That said, we hope that Father's Day can be a time to also really reflect on our Good Good Father above, and turn to Him no matter what! I particularly want to lift up some oft he most important men in my life. My own dad, Dave. He is everything a dad should be; strong, gracious, leading, and loves God with all his heart. You may not see my dad in services, but he is always doing things for Glenbrook behind the scenes from printing signs, booklets, special cards, to setting up the Sanctuary for new seasons, to being my little elf and doing crafts for Glenbrook events. I also think of my Papa, Art. You might hear him singing away with his whole soul on Sunday mornings, leading prayer after services, or in earlier days being our representative for Glenbrook at Presbytery. Papa is a Godly man, and I hope he knows how much I love and respect and look up to him. I also thank my new Father-in-Law Chris for raising the man I am going to marry! I also want to thank Pastor Ian for being a father-figure in my life for 25 years. You have guided me and my family closer to God, and been a blessing to us all at Glenbrook. May you all be blessed this Father's Day <3 

Our culture can be tough on dads these days. If you’re a father, you might be fighting a lot of battles—for your marriage, your family . . . even for your own heart. And finding the courage to keep fighting every day isn’t easy. That’s why I want you to know—you are appreciated. God sees the silent sacrifices you make. The hard work you put in. The obstacles you overcome to protect the ones you love. The battles you fight matter. Just look at God’s faithful promise in Psalm 37:23-24: “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand”. God is the only perfect father there is. Though you may stumble, the Lord will uphold you with his hand—always. May God bless you richly and fill you with his strength as you delight in him and walk in his ways.

I also wanted to share a cool acronym that Rachel Lovingood created for FATHER:

F - Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a huge part of your relationship with your Father. He is willing and able to forgive you of any sin you commit if you will only ask Him. It's comforting to know that nothing you do is ever so bad that God won't forgive you (Romans 8:38-39; 1 John 1:9). Now, that's unconditional acceptance.

A - Active. He is active in your life all the time. God is always at work around you. Ask God to show you what He is doing. You will be amazed at all that is going on. More important, the invitation is open for you to get involved with Him. You never have to wait for your turn to be active with God (John 5:17).

T - Time. Time for you. While humans get too busy to do this or that, God always has time for you. Whenever you feel lonely, struggle with a problem, want to share a thought, or need to deal with a concern, He is there for you. You can't find a time in your day when He is too busy to talk or listen to you (Jeremiah 33:3).

H - Heart. The heart of the matter is that God knows your heart, and He loves you anyway. Proverbs tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things. Some people may not want to be in your life if you make mistakes. God wants to be with you anytime, and He alone is able to change your heart to be all you were created to be (1 John 4:9-10,19).

E - Everywhere. Everywhere sums up God's place in your life. If you're a Christian, there is nowhere you can go where He isn't with you. It can be encouraging to realize that when you are in a tough place in your life, He is right there with you. Whether other people are there or not, God is by your side (Romans 8:35-39).

R - Rest & Read. These are two areas where most people could use a little work. Rest is important to you because it's easy to become so busy that you don't take time with the Lord. He wants you to set aside daily time to rest in Him and to read His Word. The Bible is His letter to His children. The best way to get to know your Father is to spend quality time resting and reading all about Him in His Word (John 14:21; Psalm 46:10).

Once again  The Open Door patrons enjoyed the food prepared and served by Glenbrook. For all the volunteer servers and cooks please accept a huge THANK YOU.

It has been so wonderful that so many have taken part in this ministry. Thanks goes out to Lourdes, Elaine, Don and John, Gwenna, Geraldine, Maureen, Ann and Ann, Vivian, Lois, Karen, Kholoud, Irene, Graciela, Gill, and Laura for this past Lunch. And to many others for the past 3 lunches (too many for me to remember but God knows you). You have all been a blessing now we will take a break over the summer and resume our giving in the fall. 

Please keep The Open Door in mind, prayers and with donations over July and August as needs still abound.  The Open Door

Please also consider donating to the Agape Fund here at Glenbrook. The Agape Fund runs completely on donations, and we use it to help out those in need of food, missed rent, or other extreme circumstances. If you can help, please note "Agape Fund" in your regular donation to the church so we know where to distribute the funds. Thank you for your support over the years!

Just something for everyone and their friends and families......Wednesday July 24th will be this years Chicken BBQ. So, mark your calendars, invite people and watch for more details to come. This is a much-loved time of socializing, and scrumptious food so I hope you don't miss out.   

European Soccer 2024 Screenings
I will be the first to admit I am NOT a soccer fan. I vaguely know the rules, and understand that players can fall down for no real reason. But alas, soccer fever has taken over the community and I respect that!! But if you are thinking about going to watch a game, consider heading over to Celebration Square where they will be projecting the games for free in our city's biggest outdoor theatre. I would even consider watching soccer this way! 

Outdoor Service + EMCC Family BBQ - NEXT WEEK
Please note that next Sunday on June 23rd, we will be having our normally scheduled Sunday service...OUTSIDE! Please bring comfy chairs and note the weather on that day so that we dress appropriately for whatever the day holds. For those who would like to attend but really do not want to sit outside, I totally get it. We will be projecting the service inside the sanctuary at the same time so you can enjoy in-person, but with air conditioner!

Summer Schedule of Volunteers
As we are coming up to the summer months, please let me know if you need your role to be switched!

Please also let me know if you are interested in volunteering for any of the positions listed on the table by the entrance to the sanctuary, or something else such as A/V, Nursery, Counting, or Worship Band!

Following the service, we will transition into a delicious BBQ lunch joint with St. Thomas a Becket. A huge thanks to everyone who has signed up to help out! Please stay after the service to enjoy some hamburgers, hot dogs, cold drinks, and fellowship. Once again we will have the option of eating indoors for those who do not want to be outside :) 

Tuesday Vine Online
Please note that we have two more Vine Online meetings left before we break for summer! That said, even if you have not joined before, please consider joining even a one-off for a great opportunity to discuss the sermon and scripture readings in more depth, and reflect on how we can apply those learnings into our everyday life beyond Sunday morning. 

It will be the same link every week.

Topic: The Vine Online
Time: June 18, 2024 7:00pm America/Toronto 82466169195?pwd= QnqVynH2phwDVxXlvkSr8XNL5Od8LZ .1 
Meeting ID: 824 6616 9195
Passcode: 486297 

Service for Sunday, June 16th, 2024
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us GlenbrookPresbyterian/live

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:1-12 and Revelation 21:3-5
Message: "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn"
Pastor Ian McWhinnie