Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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October 26, 2024

Hello Glenbrook,

Have you been enjoying the leaves this week? I feel like this has been one of the best Autumns in recent memory in terms of colour. I’d love for you to send me your favourite pictures from Autumn hikes, or even in front of your house. I know this is not a huge forest, but this is the bush outside our house and it’s so vibrant I just love it so much.

A Prayer for Autumn Days
By Joyce Rupp 

God of the seasons,
there is a time for everything;
there is a time for dying and a time for rising.
We need courage to enter into
the transformation process. 

God of autumn,
the trees are saying goodbye to their green,
letting go of what has been.
We, too, have our moments of surrender,
with all their insecurity and risk.
Help us to let go when we need to do so. 

God of fallen leaves
lying in colored patterns on the ground,
our lives have their own patterns.
As we see the patterns of our own growth,
may we learn from them.

God of misty days and harvest moon nights,
there is always the dimension of mystery
and wonder in our lives.
We always need to recognize your power-filled presence.
May we gain strength from this. 

God of harvest wagons and fields of ripened grain,
many gifts of growth lie within the season of our surrender.
We must wait for harvest in faith and hope.
Grant us patience when we do not see the blessings. 

God of geese going south
for another season, your wisdom enables us
to know what needs to be left behind
and what needs to be carried into the future.
We yearn for insight and vision.

God of flowers
touched with frost and windows wearing white designs,
may your love keep our hearts
from growing cold in the empty seasons. 

God of life,
you believe in us, you enrich us,
you entrust us with the freedom to choose life.
For all this, we are grateful.


International Dinner

As you may know, we are bringing back the International Dinner on Saturday, November 16th. That is less than a month away, so please sign up in the lobby and indicate how many might be attending, and if you are able to bring a dish from your country! If you do not know the dish, or you are unable to bring anything that’s no problem – just check off the box so I still have the number of folks planning to attend so we can plan accordingly! Or even if you cannot attend, please consider sending me your family or cultural recipe that brings you back to your childhood comfort.

Missions and Outreach

We have a lot happening with our Missions and Outreach team, so please take a look on our bulletin board at everything coming up!

Raw Carrot Soup Orders
Now family and friends can make orders too! Soup Order forms are now available in the church lobby. The 7 regular flavours plus the 2 specialty flavours need to be checked off (and the # wanted) with your name, phone number and email. Order deadline is this Sunday October 27th. You can pick your soup up next Sunday, November 3rd!

Payments for soup should come to the following NEW EMAIL FOR ETRANSFERS:

It is also fine to pay cash at pick up!

The Open Door

Thank you to all cooks and volunteers for the October Open-Door Lunch. There were just over 35 patrons in attendance, so the food was able to feed people at a later lunch too. Glenbrook is to be thanked for their ongoing faithful support. THE NEXT LUNCH DATE IS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7TH.


Muffins For Missions

Our next Muffins for Missions fundraiser will be next Sunday, November 3rd. Please sign up to bring muffins in the lobby 😊

Canada Foodgrains Bank/Good Neighbour Project Fundraiser

As was mentioned in service last week – due to the generosity shown over the last few weeks, $2474 was collected to start off the Canada Foodgrains Bank/Good Neighbour Project Fundraiser. A goal has been set to reach $5000 in support of the project at the Thorndale farm. Donation deadline is Sunday November 17th.  Glenbrook's existing Local Missions fund has a good amount that will add to the accruement of donations. Please check out the giving thermometer at the Lobby table over the next few weeks. Your offering stewards will be able to track and record your giving to this project under the title - Canada Foodgrains Bank.

We’re halfway there!!

November Schedule of Volunteers

Please let me know if there are any dates which I need to change or move for you 😊 If you would like to join the volunteer team even once every few months, let me know!

Service for Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us.

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-9
                                  Mark 10:46-52
Message: "Encounters With Jesus: Blind Bartimaeus"
Pastor Ian McWhinnie


Samantha Black

Administrative Assistant / Pastoral Care

3535 South Common Court


Office Hours: Tues - Fri 9-12