February 7, 2025
Hello Glenbrook,
I hope you are all doing well. You’ve probably noticed the daylight getting a little longer and those gorgeous winter sunsets happening a little later. Please enjoy this devotional below that may spark a memory and bring a smile to your face during these crisp February days.
A quick note that there is a snow event (10-15 cm) on Saturday night into Sunday morning so if you feel more comfortable staying in please remember you can always livestream from home if you don’t feel comfortable driving in the snow. Keep safe.
Going Home
John 14:1-3 – Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling-places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. (NRSV)
I have cherished memories from my earliest days, memories I return to more often the older I get. One of the greatest treats of childhood was taking the train from Summerside to Coleman on Prince Edward Island, Canada. The train was magical, but what awaited us at the train stop was even more so. As the train halted for the minute or two it took us to get off, we could see in the distance a horse and sled driven by my Uncle Lawson. He had just driven through the woods from the Brae nearby, which was our destination for the day. Much begging on my part had him agree I could take the reins for the trip home. My uncle turned to my apprehensive mother and said, "Don't worry, the horse knows the way home."
Decades later, the memory still warms a winter's day. What warms my heart even more is the assurance that I have One Who knows the way home and promises to get me there safely. I don't need to be troubled or worried about getting lost. I often think I have the reins in my hands and everything is up to me, but, just like my uncle smiled at my confidence that I was in control, Jesus has a smile or two for me and for you as He reminds us that He knows the way, that He is the Way.
Prayer: God, even the word "home" resonates with us as we consider its deeper meaning in our lives, the importance of belonging, of welcome, of family. We are grateful that our final home is in Your love, for that is where our hearts are. So, we ask that our hearts be not troubled today as we travel toward home. Amen.
"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned." – Maya Angelou
Annual General Meeting
Please note there will be a new date for the Annual General Meeting. Please mark in your calendars Sunday March 2nd after the service. While the meeting is pushed to March, I do ask that reports are still sent to me asap. Thank you for your understanding!
Winter 2025 Bible Study
Just a reminder that Bible studies continue on Tuesdays. Again, let us know and we will make sure you have the study material! Looking forward to seeing you!
New Members
If you have been coming to Glenbrook for a bit and are considering joining as a member, please let myself or Pastor Ian know! We will be running a Membership Seminar in several weeks and would love to have you join.
Men’s Lunch
On Wednesday February 19th at 12pm the Men’s lunch group will be meeting at Taps Pub. Located at 6570 Meadowvale Town Centre Circle. Please sign up at the lobby.
Caribbean Luncheon
In honour of Black History Month on February 23rd we will be having 2 special guests from BME. Reverend Julia Moses and Glenda Lewis. After the service we are invited to be a part of the Caribbean Luncheon hosted by St. Thomas. Please sign up in the lobby so we know how many are interested in attending
Mark your calendars for Pancake Tuesday!
Pancake Supper for Shrove Tuesday on March 4th.
Time - 5:30 - 7pm
Ticket Costs - Adult - $8, Children 6-12 years - $5, children under 5 years are FREE
Tickets will be sold this Sunday in the Lobby - See Geraldine or email her at rushtonbreeze@gmail.com if you are unable to be at church to purchase.
Sign up to volunteer for set-up, cooking and serving the form is in the lobby.
World Day of Prayer
Glenbrook will be holding World Day of Prayer on Friday March 7th. The service will begin at 2pm with refreshments to follow. The WDP is an international and Interdenominational Day of Prayer and intercession. This year the liturgy and prayers come from the women of the Cook Islands as they pray for world healing and peace. For more information, please contact Karen Barnaby our WDP team leader.
Raw Carrot
The Raw Carrot soup order is at the front lobby as orders will be due soon.
On March 23rd Raw Carrot will be having a guest speaker Rebecca Sherbino, one of the brains at Raw Carrot.
Muffins for Missions Update!
A Big Thanks goes out to all who enjoyed the Muffins last Sunday. $275 was donated and will go the Eden Food for Change - The Coldest Night of the Year Walk Team from the Unity Drive location. Thank you also to the bakers for the yummy treats supplied.
Also a quick note in regards to Open Door - Glenbrook will be supplying food items and servers for The Open Door Lunch on Wednesday February 26th. Please see Cynthia at church for information and needs that require cooks, time and donations.
Update to CRA Donations
On January 23rd, the Canada Revenue Agency confirmed that it will proceed with administering the 2024 deadline extension for charitable donations. This means that donors will have the option to deduct certain charitable donations made up to February 28, 2025, on their 2024 income tax return.
We can now proceed with our plan to provide GPC congregants with the January and February 2025 giving statements in the first week of March 2025, so they can deduct these donations on their 2024 income tax return.
February Schedule of Volunteers
Please let me know if there are any dates which I need to change or move for you 😊 If you would like to join the volunteer team even once every few months, let me know!
Service for February 9, 2025
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us.
Enjoy the service!
Scripture Reading:
1 Samuel 24:1-22. and Matthew 5:43-48
Message “Lessons From The Wilderness” Pastor Ian McWhinney