February 21, 2025

Dear Friends, 


February is Black History Month and this Sunday we are hosting and sharing together with  Rev. Julia Moses and members her congregation of the British Methodist Episcopal Church to  recognize and thank God for the contributions of people from the Black community in faith and service. We will have some special music along with some history of the ministry and mission of the BME church. I will take a break from our series on David: After God’s Own heart and be preaching a message from Micah 6: 6-8 entitled “Do Justice, Love Kindness and Walk Humbly With Your God”. Also we look forward to a Caribbean Luncheon hosted by St. Thomas A Becket Anglican Church after the church service.


I have been working with Mississauga Chinese Presbyterian Church and will be leading a membership class tomorrow for 6 new members two of whom are going to receive the sacrament of Baptism as new believers. This is a credit to the faithful pulpit supply and community of faith that is sharing the love of Christ. 


Have a great weekend


Pastor Ian


February 14, 2025