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The Annual Poinsettia Sale
Geraldine is heading up the sale once again this year and the plants will come from Sheridan Nurseries in Mississauga. To keep things simple there will be just 3 sizes of plants in 2 colour choices available for pre-order and pre-payment.
Poinsettia - 4.5" - $ 9.00
Poinsettia - 6.5" - $16.00
Poinsettia - 8" - $36.00
Pre-Payment via etransfer to the new Events Account using Glenbrookpcevents@gmail.com
Cash payments can be made on pick up only !
Sign up/Orders can be made at the lobby table starting this Sunday and MUST BE IN BY SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24th. Orders can also be emailed to Geraldine at rushtonbreeze@gmail.com
Plant pick up will be Wednesday Dec. 11th or Thursday December 12th (Confirmation of this date to come).