Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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December 28, 2024

Hello Glenbrook!

I hope you have been having a restful time this Christmas season. Mike and I have been all over the place in the last week. After the Christmas Eve Service, we had dinner at my aunt's house. Christmas morning, my brother and his wife came over for the morning (mom made EXCELLENT homemade waffles) and then had the rest of the family over for dinner (mom again killing it with a massive turkey meal!). On Boxing Day we drove to Sarnia for a de Jourdan Christmas, and the day after we stayed at Mike's brother's house along with Mike's sister, Maria, and her partner. We all had a "pajama party" with our nieces. Anna and Emily had a blast playing games all afternoon with their aunts and uncles they don't get to see often. Anna even got to stay up until 11pm with the grown ups, which she was very proud of. We stopped to see three different family friends in Sarnia before coming back. Whew! This weekend we will have a late Christmas celebration with Reyna and Rhye as well as Jesse's parents who are visiting from Winnipeg. After that, we're hoping to get a little bit of downtime before we ring the New Year in. I'm hoping to hear from you and what you did this week! I won't be in the office Tuesday or Wednesday, but it will be "business as usual" Thursday and Friday :) 

I also want to wish a hearty and joyful New Year from my family to yours this week. We'll be noticing some changes in this New Year, the first of which is you will be hearing a lot from our new admin, Andrea! I will be training her in the background, but you will be hearing from her more and from me a little less in the coming weeks as we begin this transition. 2025 will bring changes, but the Lord our God will never change, which we can take great peace in. Here is a lovely devotional I found last year, but I find it quite appropriate as we ring in a new year :

"May I begin by wishing you a very “Happy New Year!” I don’t know about you, but I always begin a new year with a certain amount of hope. I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions; time and experience have persuaded me that the turning of the annual dial isn’t really going to make that much difference. If I’d really wanted something to be different, then I’d have acted on it without waiting for the change of date. However, the desire for a fresh start, a new opportunity to ‘have another go’, is a common feeling. Otherwise, why else would we make so much of what is ultimately just another day?

Yet, there is still hope. I guess, as we turn to a new calendar, and we get used to writing 2025 rather than 2024, there is that obvious sense that the old has gone and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). As I’ve pondered this new start, I am actually relieved that something never changes; or perhaps better Someone!

As the writer of Hebrews tells us, ‘Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!’

No matter what changed in 2024, nor what will change in 2025, Jesus is always good, always loving, always powerful. Our God is a consistent God. I like the way James frames it when he writes of the One from whom every good and perfect gift comes, and who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17). Of course, shadows shift because of the passing of time. But God does not change, because He is eternal. He is the One who was, who is, and who is to come (Revelation 1:4).
So, whatever may come our way this year, whatever struggles we may face, whatever joys we may celebrate, we can be sure of this: the One who made the instruments of time (Genesis 1:16-18) is the One who travels through it with us. We did not leave Him behind in 2024, but He is with us in every moment of all that lies ahead in 2025. The God who is with us (Isaiah 7:14) is with us always, even until the end of time itself (Matthew 28:20)."

- John Sainsbury

New Membership
If you are interested in becoming either an adherent or member of GPC please contact Pastor Ian! Members have the specific and important roll of voting at all congregational meetings including our annual AGM, which is coming up on February 9th. Members can also be nominated to Session and/or working committees of the congregation. Adherents can be asked for an advisory vote at congregational meetings and can sit on congregational committees.

ESL - New Year
Our ESL group will resume on Tuesday, January 7th as normal. It is completely free, and we have several different "levels" for folks who have different language requirements. If you know someone who would like to practice English for free, please let them know that we are open!

Winter 2025 Bible Study
Now that the year is coming to a close, we look into the coming year with anticipation. Starting Tuesday, January 14th we will resume our usual bible study time! This new topic will be on women of the New Testament. This is going to be a very interesting study and has been brought forth by our study group as a topic to focus on. If you are interested in joining, just let us know and we will make sure you have the study material! Looking forward to seeing you!

January 2025 Schedule of Volunteers
Please note the rest of this schedule will be posted in the coming days. If you are interested in volunteering for anything (even every other month!) please let me know. If you need to change a date, please reach out and I will switch it for you.  

Service for December 29th 2024

Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us.

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:41-52
                              Colossians 3:12-17

Message: "Where Do We Find Jesus?"
Pastor Ian McWhinnie


Samantha Black
Administrative Assistant / Pastoral Care
Glenbrook Presbyterian Church
3535 South Common Court
Mississauga, ON  L5L 2B3