Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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November 8, 2024

Dear Friends, 

Over the past several Sundays we have been focused on a sermon series called “Encounters With Jesus”.  This Sunday we will continue and explore the encounter a questioning Scribe has with Jesus about what is the first and most important commandment? In Jesus’ time religious leaders including the Scribes and the Pharisees debated about which of the 613 laws they had identified in the Old Testament (Law and The Prophets) was the first one to be obeyed and the rest interpreted in light of that most important commandment. How do you choose one from 613 commandments?  Yet Jesus does not hesitate and answers the Scribe with the Shema which is “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.”  But then surprise Jesus adds a second. “You shall love your neighbour as yourself”

In this, Jesus creates one new commandment out of two. This is the pivot point of all commandments. The scribe, for his part, answers well and Jesus compliments him for it. It seems that the scribe’s comment that the commandments supersede the assiduous observance of religious sacrifices and rituals gives him a clue that he is very close to the heart of the kingdom. It is not primarily about ritual observance but the disposition of the heart that God wants. The Scribe gets it…sort of. Jesus says that he is “not far from the kingdom of God” which gives hope to all of us who have come to faith in Jesus, moving beyond religious ritual to a personal relationship with one who loves us so much that he gave his life for us. 

We also extend our best wishes and prayers to Rev. David Matthews as he is leaving St. Thomas a Becket and will be moving with Caroline and their two young children to a new parish in Calgary Alberta. This will be David’s last Sunday

Session are in the process of gathering resumes for Glenbrook’s Office Administrator position. Over the next month we will be interviewing prospective candidates for this staff position. Please keep us in prayer as we continue in this process.

Have a good weekend

Pastor Ian