Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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Gordon McCauley Scholarship

The Gordon McCauley Scholarship Fund reflects the faithful generosity of Gordon McCauley who believed that God had greatly blessed him with the financial means to be a blessing to others. Gordon lived his life as one whose stewardship was a reflection of his love for God and in service to others.

The scholarship in Gordon’s name will be given annually and used to assist two (2) first year college and/or university students (including first year post-graduate) who are associated with Glenbrook Presbyterian Church, through the oversight of appointed Trustees from the congregation. Applications will be reviewed, interviews will be facilitated and if recommended, each student will be reimbursed with a one time gift of $1,500.00 towards tuition.

Note from Geraldine McCauley:

Gordon was always trying to find ways to help others. He said that ‘his cup runneth over’ and  we should share with others; this is what God wants us to do. 

He wanted to learn as much as possible about anything.  He was a kind, humble and gentle soul.

I like this picture of Gordon wearing the sombrero.  We were celebrating his 60th birthday with family and a few friends at a Mexican restaurant in Streetsville in January 2020.  I call it "the calm before the storm”

Sahil Henry

2023 Recipient

As I just completed my first year, I can fully reflect on the experience I had not only with school-related subjects but adjusting to a new environment as well.

I will be entering as a second-year student at Penn State University coming this fall, with a new mindset and more confidence.

My first year, as many of my peers would say, was a year of continuous learning and growth. It was the first time I had to manage money, live with new people, and not see my family/friends every day. That also includes my Glenbrook family.

Every Sunday my parents would send me thoughtful messages about people at the church asking how I was doing, and most important of all, when I was coming back home! This Glenbrook family watched me and my sister grow up into the people we are now.

I was so blessed to receive the Gordon McCauley scholarship, which helped me tremendously. I have had the privilege to meet and have conversations with Gordon almost every Sunday. I always admired him and his family for their contributions to the Church community through various volunteer work and running events at our Church.

University in the USA can get costly, hence I used the scholarship to purchase textbooks and pay for tuition fees. It is truly an amazing gesture the McCauley family is doing, and I pray for future recipients and their academic journeys