Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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January 3, 2025

Hello Glenbrook,

Happy New Year! We are now into 2025, and it's going to bring some strange changes. For myself, I will be exiting my roles as Admin Assistant and Pastoral Care Coordinator at the end of this month. While I will still be attending Glenbrook as a parishioner and will continue volunteering in different capacities, I know the change will take a lot of adjusting for all of us. This year I also will be expanding and growing my private psychotherapy practice, which means I will be fully self-employed! It will take a lot of work, but I am looking forward to the challenge. And of course, I will be getting married in June to Mike which is the biggest and most exciting change of this year for me. Those are just in the first 6 months of 2025! I wonder what else is in store :)

This Sunday, Pastor Ian is taking a rest after such a whirlwind month in December. I will be stepping in as guest speaker, and I am looking forward to bridging the gap between mourning and joy in this season. Even in the story of Christ’s birth, joy and sorrow coexist. While the angels proclaimed “good news of great joy,” Rachel’s cries remind us of the suffering woven into the fabric of redemption. 

Welcome Andrea!
This week, our new Admin Assistant began at Glenbrook! For the next few weeks, Andrea will be coming in from 9-12 as I show her the ins and outs of how Glenbrook runs behind the scenes. We are so looking forward to having her, and I encourage you to say hi and introduce yourself if you are able!

Annual General Meeting - March 2nd
Please note there will be a new date for the Annual General Meeting. Please mark in your calendars Sunday, March 2nd after the service. While the meeting is pushed to March, I do ask that reports are still sent to me by January 24th at the latest. As I am exiting the role of Admin Assistant, I will need to have these reports by this date so I can train Andrea on how to assemble the reports and prepare for the meeting. Thank you for your understanding!

Joint Board & Session
If you are a part of Session and/or the Board of Managers, please mark in your calendars that January 21st will be a joint meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions.

ESL - New Year
Our ESL group will resume on Tuesday, January 7th as normal. It is completely free, and we have several different "levels" for folks who have different language requirements. If you know someone who would like to practice English for free, please let them know that we are open!

Winter 2025 Bible Study
Now that the year is coming to a close, we look into the coming year with anticipation. Starting Tuesday, January 14th we will resume our usual bible study time! This new topic will be on women of the New Testament. This is going to be a very interesting study and has been brought forth by our study group as a topic to focus on. If you are interested in joining, just let us know and we will make sure you have the study material! Looking forward to seeing you!

January Schedule of Volunteers
Please let me know if there are any dates which I need to change or move for you 😊 If you would like to join the volunteer team even once every few months, let me know! 

Service for January 5th, 2025
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us.

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-14
                              Matthew 2:13-18

Message: "Mourning to Joy"
Guest Speaker Samantha Black


Samantha Black
Administrative Assistant / Pastoral Care
Glenbrook Presbyterian Church
3535 South Common Court
Mississauga, ON  L5L 2B3