Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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September 27, 2024

Hello Glenbrook,

The week we want to welcome back our friend and valiant leader, Pastor Ian! He has been on vacation and had quite a lovely time out East. We are so grateful to have had Dr. Shepherd with us over the last several weeks and look forward to him returning in the future ðŸ˜Š This coming Sunday I will be away, as I will be camping with a few friends in Sauble Falls. Not exactly a relaxing vacation, but it will be nice to have two days in a row off from all work to disconnect for before going back on Monday. I shall be watching when I get back.

I also want to apologize for the crazy fonts and formatting on the email! Sometimes the system will randomly not allow me to change fonts, sizes, or colours in an email or it looks okay on my end and sends out completely differently. 

I also want to focus this week on Reconciliation. The Presbyterian Church in Canada ran 12 residential schools. This is not long forgotten history – the PCC had the abuse mandated until 1969, and the last residential school in Canada (not run by the PCC) closed in 1996. My living memory. As in, people my age and your age went through horrific abuse in the name of religion. As a result, the PCC bears a collective responsibility to truth and healing. In the 1980s and 1990s, the truth about abuses children suffered at residential schools began to be heard. Over the next decades, more truth about the pain and harm inflicted at the schools have become part of our common memory, in large part because of the courage of Survivors and intergenerational Survivors who are standing against a legacy of colonial violence and racism, seeking healing from their harmful and deadly impacts.

In 1994, The PCC offered a Confession for its participation in the residential school system, which set the church on a path of reconciliation. In learning to walk that path, the church has learned much about, and understands more deeply now, the harm it caused. In June 2024, General Assembly adopted an Apology for the church's role in residential schools and colonization, which comes out of the church's learning and is a response to that learning.

September 30th is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. We also mark Orange Shirt Day, a Survivor-led movement that called for a national day for truth and reconciliation. It is our duty to not excuse or forget the hurt we created; but to push for reconciliation instead of leaving the responsibility to those whom we hurt.

If you are interested in Orange Shirt Day, please check out which will bring you to the official website. If you are thinking of buying an orange shirt, please consider buying from the Indigenous Organizations there instead of Amazon or Walmart ðŸ˜Š

Thanksgiving Choir

Just a reminder to stick around after the service this Sunday for a short practice! We will be doing a small compilation for the Thanksgiving service, and there will only be two more practices (each one after the service on Sunday). You do not have to have a great singing voice! Just a desire to praise the Lord and worship through music :)

Missions and Outreach
If you are looking for Missions information, please note that we have set up a new bulletin board just outside of the Hearth Room which will have LOTS of information for each season including important dates, sign ups, and updates for our local missions.

The Raw Carrot
It is officially Soup Season again!

It feels like summer this weekend, but we have had a taste of Fall weather recently and it will be upon us in no time.

For Raw Carrot Soup Sales this year we are taking a different approach:

- We are going the route of Pre-orders.

Order deadlines will be October 27, December 8, February 20 and April 21.

- Soup will be picked up at the Paris Kitchen and returned to the Glenbrook freezer the week after the Order deadline.

- Customers will pick up their orders the Sunday following the order deadline days.

- Cash payments can be made at pick-up time. 

So now begins your opportunity to refresh your memory about what flavours are available and place your order to stock your freezer.

- Signature Carrot
- Hearty Lentil and Barley
- Veggie Mania

Bone-broth lovers
- Flying Noodle (this gourmet chicken noodle soup) is cooked with split chicken breast on-the-bone, making it super tasty, healthy and the best "cold-fixer" all at the same time

Signature Carrot
- Veggie Mania
- Spicy-ish Italian Sausage
- Mulligatawny

Tell your family and friends!

Thanks for your support of The Raw Carrot Enterprise.

Muffins For Missions
Mark your calendars for the first Muffins for Missions Date - October the 6th - Missions Open House

On that day we will invite you to enjoy your hot drink and muffin in the Hearth Room while perusing posters about the many charitable organizations Glenbrook has a relationship with. There are many needed and deserving places that we all can remember as we donate through our Sunday offering and at special events throughout the year.

Please sign up to bake or bring muffins in the front lobby this Sunday!

A Day with Francis of Assisi 

On Saturday, October 5th from 10 am to 3 pm, there ian opportunity to learn about Francis of Assisi and prayerfully reflect on his many messages that continue to inspire us today. Our friend Wendy Passmore will be leading this retreat and wanted to extend the invitation to our Glenbrook family.

St John's Dixie Anglican Church
719 Dundas Street East, Mississauga

Please bring a bag lunch
Coffee/tea provided
To register, email or call the church office 905-277-0462

Bible Study 

This coming Tuesday we will be starting our bible study up again at 10:00 in the hearth room. Please let me or Pastor Ian know if you are interested. 

October Schedule of Volunteers
Please let me know if there are dates which you are unavailable in the fall season and I will gladly switch!

Service for Sunday, September 29th, 2024
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us

Scripture Reading: Exodus 16:1-12
                                John 6:1-15
Message: "So That All Might Be Fed"
Pastor Ian McWhinnie


Administrative Assistant / Pastoral Care

3535 South Common Court


Office Hours: Tues - Fri 9-12