Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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September 21, 2024

Hello Glenbrook,

I hope you are doing well this week. The weather is still quite warm, but the early mornings and later evening is starting to show us signs of my favourite season: "almost all bugs are dead season". Ahhh I can just imagine stepping outside, not worrying about walking into a giant spiderweb or being bitten by mosquitos...

I don't know if you're going to believe this but this weekend I have...nothing! No weddings, no camping, no major events...I looked back in my calendar and the last time this happened was April 5-7. So that means I am going to just putter around and do small, fun projects. Maybe do some crafting, work on my quilt (probably not though), read a book...who knows! Maybe I'll just sit and stare into space! I can't get too comfortable with this though, because next weekend I'm right back in it and going camping with some friends, the week after is my brother's wedding, and after that is travelling for Thanksgiving, etc. 

This week we are welcoming back our dear friend Dr. Victor Shepherd for the last time of the season. We are so grateful for him coming to fill in for Pastor Ian, and I know his final message is going to be a cracker!

Thanksgiving Choir

Just a reminder to stick around after the service this Sunday for a short practice! We will be doing a small compilation for the Thanksgiving service, and there will only be three practices (each one after the service on Sunday). You do not have to have a great singing voice! Just a desire to praise the Lord and worship through music :)

Missions and Outreach

The Raw Carrot
It is officially Soup Season again!

It feels like summer this weekend, but we have had a taste of Fall weather recently and it will be upon us in no time.

For Raw Carrot Soup Sales this year we are taking a different approach:

- We are going the route of Pre-orders.

Order deadlines will be October 27, December 8, February 20 and April 21.

- Soup will be picked up at the Paris Kitchen and brought back to the Glenbrook      freezer the week after the Order deadline.

- Customers will pick up their orders the Sunday following the order deadline days.

- Cash payments can be made at pick up time. 

So now begins your opportunity to refresh your memory about what flavours are available and place your order to stock your freezer.

- Signature Carrot
- Hearty Lentil and Barley
- Veggie Mania

Bone-broth lovers
- Flying Noodle (this gourmet chicken noodle soup) is cooked with split chicken breast on-the-bone, making it super tasty, healthy and the best "cold-fixer" all at the same time

Signature Carrot
- Veggie Mania
- Spicy-ish Italian Sausage
- Mulligatawny

Tell your family and friends!

Thanks for your support of The Raw Carrot Enterprise.

Muffins For Missions
Mark your calendars for the first Muffins for Missions Date - October the 6th - Missions Open House

On that day we will invite you to enjoy your hot drink and muffin in the Hearth Room while perusing posters about the many charitable organizations Glenbrook has a relationship with. There are many needed and deserving places that we all can remember as we donate through our Sunday offering and at special events throughout the year.

A Day with Francis of Assisi 

On Saturday October 5th from 10am to 3pm there ian opportunity to learn about Francis of Assisi and prayerfully reflect on his many messages that continue to inspire us today. Our friend Wendy Passmore will be leading this retreat, and wanted to extend the invitation to our Glenbrook family.

St John's Dixie Anglican Church
719 Dundas Street East, Mississauga

Please bring a bag lunch
Coffee/tea provided
To register, email or call the church office 905-277-0462

Church Mental Health Summit

After the huge impact of the Sanctuary Course on our members, I wanted to share with you the upcoming Church Mental Health Summit. It's a chance to address the growing mental health needs in our community. This summit offers the tools and insights you need to make a real impact as members of this church community.

This free online event brings together mental health experts and church leaders, offering actionable resources to help us cultivate a culture of care. 

Here's what you'll gain:

  • Expert sessions addressing mental health challenges in your church and community

  • Resources to equip your staff and volunteers with the knowledge to care for others

  • Connection with like-minded leaders committed to mental wellness

2024 Church Mental Health Summit Registration Page 

2024 Church Mental Health Summit All Access Pass 

September Schedule of Volunteers
Please let me know if there are dates which you are unavailable in the fall season.

Service for Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us

Enjoy the service! brookPresbyterian/live


Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 17:9-10
                                 Luke 8:1-3
                                 John 20:1-18

Message: "Mary Magdalene"
Guest Preacher Dr. Victor Shepherd


Samantha Black
Administrative Assistant / Pastoral Care
Glenbrook Presbyterian Church
3535 South Common Court
Mississauga, ON  L5L 2B3