Glenbrook Presbyterian Church

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July 13, 2024

Hello Glenbrook,

I wanted to extend a deep gratitude from both myself and from Mike for your continued love and prayers over the last week. Just as an update, Mike’s dad, Chris, has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home. Thank the Lord neither the brain bleed nor the partially collapsed lung were serious enough to warrant surgery. The doctors noted that he would heal on his own while being monitored of course. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about broken ribs and clavicles…so he will be in some discomfort in the coming weeks, but is mostly grumpy that he can’t “be back on his bicycle anytime soon”. We appreciate Pastor Ian jumping in last minute to take the service over, and to allow us to be so flexible. We are going back to Sarnia tonight just for 24 hours to help Chris get settled in at home and take care of some errands for him.

We did have some nice moments in the last week though; Mike, Mom, Dad, and I had a great time at my friend’s wedding at the Cambridge Mill. My dear friend Dima got married! It was so sweet to see her parents learning some Spanish to speak to her in-laws in their speech, while the groom’s parents learned some Arabic to speak to Dima’s parents in their speech! The ceremony was beautiful, even though it rained. I think the rain made it feel even more magical. We then danced the night away, and everyone had a fantastic time.

This Sunday, I plan on speaking on what I mentioned in the What’s New last week. We cannot turn our faces away from the struggles of our brothers and sisters and still think we are a healthy church. We may have our political ideas and opinions, but Christ smashes those expectations and worldviews and expects us to be RADICAL in our love and service to one another. Are we challenging ourselves enough in this?

Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is a course we would like to offer on Wednesday evenings @ 7 pm over July and August. It is a course that explores the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. Who is Jesus? What are the basic doctrines of Christianity? What is a Christian? and much more. If you are interested please contact the office and I will be glad to welcome you to "Christianity Explored." 

It is Chicken BBQ Time !  

Wednesday, July 24th, 5 pm - 6:30 pm       

This Sunday is the final Sunday to sign up for the Chicken BBQ to be held on July 24th at the church. The cost is $17.50 per plate. (Speak to Cynthia if you don't need the leftovers as the chicken is sizable and you could share an order with your child or senior)

From 5pm to 6:30 we sill be at the back of the church sitting and enjoying a great summer meal. Food will be in a Buffet Line in the Hearth Room. If you are not an outdoor diner you could come walk through with a provided take out container and fill up and dash. We want to be accommodating.

This is a fundraiser for the Missions and Outreach Fund. 

Thanks from the committee.

July's Lunch of the Month
June's lunch was a wonderful success together! Men of the congregation got together and had a fantastic time of fellowship. July's Lunch of the Month will be held at The Symposium restaurant located at Dundas & Winston Churchill and will be hosted by Dave Winn. Please let us know if you can attend, so we can make a reservation! If you need a ride there, we would be happy to help.

Summer Schedule of Volunteers
As we are coming up to the summer months, please let me know if you need your role to be switched and also let me know if you are interested in volunteering for any of the positions listed on the table at the church entrance or something else such as A/V, Nursery, Counting, or Worship Band!

Service for Sunday, July 14th, 2024
Please note that all services will be available on the SAME link each time. So click on the link below to watch all services live with us 

Enjoy the service!

Scripture Reading: Galatians 6:1-10 and Romans 12:9-18
Message: "Bear One Another"
Guest Speaker Samantha Black

Stay safe, Stay Connected

Samantha Black
Administrative Assistant
3535 South Common Court
Office Hours: Tues - Fri 9-12